When I see you again,
There is a quiver in my liver.
“Not ready!”
It cries.
Not yet ready, to be drunk.
My teeth chatter
And my esophagus wraps itself cozy
In the blanket folds of my throat:
“A cup of tea, dear!”
It coos.
You touch my arm,
And my body turns into a cornucopia —
A harvest bounty!
Ears of corn sprout out my arms,
And grapes droop over my eyes — new bangs!
My drippy honey heart
Turns into the woman
From the Prince of Egypt:
Tambourine and desert fire around her waist,
A belt of gold and ringing.
You brush my grape-bangs from my face
And they pop
One by one
Like water balloons filled with paint.
Reds, Blues and Purple run down my cheeks
Just like they do in the Princess Diaries.